Beautiful Robot C++ Code Library
Beautiful Robot C++ Code Library (Broccoli)

Broccoli is a generic C++ header-only library for common algorithms used in robotics. It puts special emphasis on real-time capability, speed, and portability to real-time operating systems.

The main motivation behind the development of broccoli is code reuse between robotic projects at the Chair of Applied Mechanics, TUM. Some parts of broccoli originate from the source code of the Lola Humanoid Robot project. Broccoli is not a complete robotics ecosystem (such as ROS); instead it is meant to provide a set of independently usable modules for rapid prototyping in robotic research projects.

Maintained Release: Broccoli Sparco 3.x.x 'sparco'

Officially supported operating systems: Linux (RT), QNX Neutrino RTOS 7.0, macOS

The Broccoli library will most likely work with any POSIX compatible OS.

Feature Overview

The Broccoli library is organised in modules:

  • analysis:
    • taskspace analysis
  • control:
    • feedback control
    • filters & LTI models
    • inverse kinematics
    • signal sources
    • signal processing based on expression templates
  • core:
    • high precision timing
    • extensions to std and Eigen math libs
    • floating point comparison helpers
  • curve:
    • interpolation and evaluation of curves, splines and trajectories
    • regular (polynomial, exponential, trigonometric) and quaternion (LERP, NLERP, SLERP, SQUAD, Bezier, BSpline) curves
    • multi-dimensional trajectories
  • geometry:
    • polygons
    • meshes
    • rotations
    • swept-sphere volumes
  • hwl:
    • framework for real-time communication with distributed devices
    • implementations for common bus technologies and devices
  • io:
    • generic file i/o
    • import/export for PLY (.ply) and Portable Anymap (.pbm, .pgm, .ppm)
    • console output
    • real-time logging
    • serialization
    • compression
    • network communication
    • hmi interfaces
  • memory:
    • efficient and thread-safe memory management and buffers
    • n-dimensional vectors and dense multi-level grids (binary tree, quadtree, octree, ...)
    • smart vectors (hybrid static and dynamic allocation)
  • ode:
    • algorithms for solving differential equations
    • time integration
    • spline collocation (cubic and quintic)
  • parallel:
    • efficient multi-threading and parallel-processing
    • real-time synchronization


Broccoli API Documentation (latest release)


  • A C++14-compatible compiler

Optional Dependencies:

Some broccoli components make use of

  • Eigen for linear algebra
  • SDL2 for device i/o
  • zlib for log file compression

Development Resources:

The following resources are recommended for developers:

  • doxygen for API documentation generation
  • llvm-cov/llvm-profdata for coverage reports
  • clang-tidy to analyze/fix the code

Build Options

The following options can be passed to CMake:

Name Description Default Value
OPTION_BUILD_EXAMPLES Build example applications OFF
OPTION_BUILD_DOC Enables documentation generation with doxygen OFF
OPTION_BUILD_TESTS Enables unit testing OFF
OPTION_ENABLE_COVERAGE Enables coverage detection for unit tests ON
OPTION_CLANG_TIDY_FIX Clang-tidy will always check the code if it is available on your system. If you enable this option, the code will be fixed automatically. OFF


  • tests: Builds the integrated unit tests if testing is enabled
  • coverage: Creates coverage information on the unit tests. Coverage is output to console and a html report in the build directory.
  • doc: (Re-)triggers generation of doxygen documentation, if OPTION_BUILD_DOCS is ON
  • update-googletest: Updates the downloaded version of Google Test
  • update-eigen: Updates the downloaded version of the Eigen library

Using Broccoli in CMake Projects

Broccoli exports the target eat::broccoli, which can be imported using find_package(). By adding the target via target_link_libraries to your user target, all include directories are set automatically:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8)
project (myproject)
find_package (broccoli 3.0.0 REQUIRED)
add_executable (example example.cpp)
target_link_libraries (example eat::broccoli)

You may also let broccoli pull in the dependencies to the external libraries via cmake components:

find_package (broccoli 3.0.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS eigen sdl zlib)

This way broccoli automatically searches for these libraries and adds include directories/linker settings to the broccoli target. By adding eat::broccoli to your targets, these will automatically be configured for the external libraries.

Overview on broccoli components:

Name Description Compiler Definition
eigen Search for Eigen3 library and add include directories to target (header-only) HAVE_EIGEN3
sdl Search for SDL2 library and add include directories / link libraries to target HAVE_SDL2
zlib Search for zlib library and add include directories / link libraries to target HAVE_ZLIB

If you want to add external dependencies by yourself, be sure to add the corresponding compiler definitions to activate corresponding code in broccoli.

Broccoli as an External Project

Instead of installing broccoli to the system directories you may use CMake's ExternalProjects feature. This involves creating a file, which is then used to pull and install broccoli during CMake configuration time.

Add the file to your cmake directory. You may specify any branch or release tag name to get a certain version of broccoli:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.2)
project(broccoli-download NONE)
GIT_TAG origin/sparco

Then add some code to your CMakeLists.txt file to pull and install broccoli as external project:

if (NOT broccoli_DIR)
# configure and install broccoli (if not already done by super-project)
configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/broccoli/download/CMakeLists.txt)
message(FATAL_ERROR "CMake step for broccoli failed: ${result}")
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build .
message(FATAL_ERROR "Build step for broccoli failed: ${result}")
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target broccoli-update
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target all
set(broccoli_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/broccoli)

This will install broccoli to your build directory on first cmake run. Furthermore, an additional target update-broccoli can be used to update the broccoli sources from the git repository. To use broccoli in your CMake project just use find_package() and the imported target as usual.


For citation in scientific papers, please use the following BibLaTeX entry:

author = {Seiwald, Philipp and Sygulla, Felix},
year = {2022},
title = {{broccoli: Beautiful Robot C++ Code Library}},
url = {},
doi = {10.14459/2022mp1686390}


This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (grant number 407378162).